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Recruitment for the post of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) & Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) in Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL).

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Recruitment for the post of 
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) & Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee)
in Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL).

Starting date for submitting Applications through website : 06-02-2012
Closing date for submitting Applications through website  : 10-03-2012

Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) - a Maharatna Public Sector Enterprise and the leading steel-making company in India, invites applications from eligible persons for the following posts: 

1) Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee): 220 posts

Qualification: Matric & Diploma in Engineering (3 years full time) in the discipline of Metallurgy/Chemical/ Ceramics/ Mechanical/Electrical/ Instrumentation/Civil/ Electronics.

Age as on 01.11.2011: From 18 to 28 years

2) Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee): 525 posts

Qualification: Matric & ITI (Full time) in the trade of Fitter / Electrician /Welder / Machinist / Turner / Instrumentation / Electronics / Refrigeration & AC / Diesel Mechanic.

Age as on 01.11.2011: From 18 to 28 years

For detailed advertisement regarding scale of pay/grade, mode of selection, test centres, reservations, age relaxation, application/processing fee, general terms, how to apply, mode of payment fee etc. please visit the website http://www.sail.co.in  

Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website http://www.sail.co.in at the link “Careers with SAIL”. No other mode of application shall be accepted.


N.B.: In this blog, the information collected from the various companies / government website, if you want to apply for your suitable jobs you are strictly advised that please visit the given concern's original advertisement and meet their eligibility / terms & conditions criteria on the given concern's website before applying.

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