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Jadavpur University invites application for Section Officer, Senior Assistant, Assistant Librarian Gr.-II, Computer Operator, Junior Assistant, Peon & Hostel Attendant in the UGC-Academic Staff College of the University - Last Date: 10th June 2013


Employment Notification No.: A2/C/5/2013

Last date of receiving application is June 10, 2013

Recruitment of Section Officer, Senior Assistant, Assistant Librarian Gr.-II, 
Computer Operator, Junior Assistant, Peon & Hostel Attendant

The University invites applications from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form for the following posts in the UGC-Academic Staff College of the University:

1. Section Officer - 1 no.
2. Senior Assistant - 1 no.
3. Assistant Librarian Gr.-II - 1 no.
4. Computer Operator - 1 no.
5. Junior Assistant - 1 no.
6. Peon - 1 no.
7. Hostel Attendant - 1 no.

For detailed advertisement and instructions such as Essential Qualification, Desirable Qualification, Pay, Age, how to apply etc. please visit the Jadavpur University website http://jaduniv.edu.in/


N.B.: In this blog, the information collected from the various companies / government website, if you want to apply for your suitable jobs you are strictly advised that please visit the given concern's original advertisement and meet their eligibility / terms & conditions criteria on the given concern's website before applying.

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