(A Government of India Enterprise)
(A Mini Ratna-1 Company)
Regd.Office: P.O.Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad-500058. (A.P).
Advt.No. MDN/CPS/R8/6/12
MIDHANI, a mini Ratna-1 and an ISO 9001-2008 company, is a Hi-Tech Metallurgical industry under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence, engaged in the manufacture of super alloys and special steels, titanium alloys in various mill form and shapes for strategic sectors like Defence, Space, Atomic Energy and also for Commercial sectors. The company is looking for high performing, dynamic and highly skilled technical / nontechnical hands in non-executive cadre in the following areas:
1. Senior Operative Trainee (SOT) (WG-4) -10 nos.
2. Junior Operative Trainee (JOT) (WG-2) - 30 nos.
3. Junior Assistant (Marketing & Material) - 04 nos.