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Top 10 Job Interview Tips

Interviews can be a harrying experience. You want the job, but the stress of having to answer questions correctly while making sure not to commit any behavioural mistakes can lead to a disaster. If you use the following top 10 job interview tips, you'll have a good chance of securing the position.
Tip 1: Role Play
Prepare in advance for the questions you may be asked by the interviewer. Practice sounding natural while having your responses ready.
Tip 2: Be Specific
Know the job you want and communicate it. Don't be tempted to interview for any open position. To be a good candidate for a job, you need to focus on that job.
Tip 3: Make Subtle Connections
If you've participated in community events or have taken extra courses that are relevant to a position, make the connection in your responses. There's no need to blatantly point everything out. Be subtle. A simple, "When I used to help university student prepare for their statistics tests..." should suffice.
Tip 4: Keep Strengths Relevant To The Job
An invitation to describe your strengths should be met with an explanation of relevant skills. If you're interviewing to become a shoe salesperson, mention your ability to read peoples' faces to know where they are in the buying process.
Tip 5: Your Weakness Is Your Strength
Most weaknesses can be described as strengths. But, it requires finesse and practice. You can handle it in 2 ways. First, describe a weakness and explain how it was a learning experience for you. Second, describe a strength as a weakness.
Tip 6: If You Were Terminated, Say It
Don't be afraid to divulge whether you were fired from another position. It's likely going to be discovered anyway. Plus, many recruiters understand that terminations often happen to good employees.
Tip 7: Plan Your Objective
Communicate clearly about where you want to be in a few years. But, allow for the possibility of new opportunities becoming available in the company. You can mention wanting to firmly grasp all areas of the business to become a valuable senior project manager.
Tip 8: Make Eye Contact
Don't avoid your interviewer's eyes. Look at them directly.
Tip 9: Keep Your Opinions To Yourself
You may have the opportunity to share something in which you feel strongly. Keep it to yourself. If pressed for an opinion by the interviewer, fashion it to your pursuit of the position.
Tip 10: Listen
You'd be surprised by how many people can't seem to stop talking during their interview. Stop and listen to the interviewer. They may be giving you signals of how to approach a question.Getting the job you want requires interviewing well. Without preparation, it's easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed. Take some time and practice. Keep the tips above in mind throughout the interview. If you do, you'll stand a better chance of securing the job than most of your competition.
About the Author
This article was written on behalf of Martin Ward Anderson who offers recruitment for Jobs in Finance and Accountancy Jobs.
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Why Employees’ Quit

An employee's expectations are less on financial fronts, but more towards how he's treated and how he is valued. Much of this depends directly on the immediate supervisor. If organization is losing good people, then their immediate supervisor are to be analyzed. More than any other significant reasons, they are the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. "People leave managers not companies"
The first time, an employee may not quit because the associate shows a degree of tolerance, but a thought of quitting the organization has been planted by the associate. The second time, the thought gets more strengthened and the associate starts evaluating his/her market value. And by The third time, he starts looking for other job opportunities as he/she is very firm on quitting the current organization.
Analysis reveals that the employees leave because they have been pulled away by "more pay" or "better opportunity." Yet, more than 80 percent of employees leave because of the "push" factors related to poor management practices or toxic cultures that drove them out.
How to prevent it
The basic step of employee retention is “employee satisfaction”, as they are no longer employees, but are Internal Customers to the organization. A strong association exists between employee retention and the quality of service delivered by the Organizations.
If an employee feels sidelined or not getting due respect/returns, discord is unavoidable.
Loss Analysis Cost involved in losing a talented employee. 1) There’s the cost involved in finding a replacement. 2) There is cost of training the replacement. 3) There is cost of not having someone to do the job in the meantime. 4) The loss of hold the person have on the workflow and processes 5) The loss of morale in co-workers. 6) The loss of trade secrets this person may now share with others. 7) A person leaving an organization becomes its brand ambassador, for better or for worse.
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Recruitment of Clerk-cum-Cashiers in Allahabad Bank.

Allahabad Bank invites ONLINE applications from Indian citizens for appointment in the Clerical cadre posts. Candidates are requested to apply online between 31.05.2008 and 30.06.2008. No other means /mode of applications/print-out will be accepted.

For more information regarding the job you can go through its website at http://www.allahabadbank.in
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CBSE Exam Result 2008

Class XII Exam Results 2008 - To be Announced on 21st May 2008 at 08:00 Hrs. IST
( Chennai, Ajmer and Panchkula regions )

Class XII Exam Results 2008 - To be Announced on 23rd May 2008 at 08:00 Hrs. IST
( Delhi, Guwahati and Allahabad regions )

Class X Exam Results 2008 - To be Announced

Source: http://cbseresults.nic.in
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Results of West Bengal

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N.B.: In this blog, the information collected from the various companies / government website, if you want to apply for your suitable jobs you are strictly advised that please visit the given concern's original advertisement and meet their eligibility / terms & conditions criteria on the given concern's website before applying.

If you find this blog informative please don't hesistate to share it with your friends, who are in search for a job, by which they will also get the latest information about job openings.